Our focus is the life of the Christian mind

We aim to bridge the gap between the traditional seminary and the local church

The Kirkwood Center for Theology and Ethics


The Kirkwood Center for Theology and Ethics is a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to helping local churches educate and equip their leadership, staff and members in the disciplines of biblical and systematic theology, philosophy, church history, law, politics and cultural apologetics.

  • We are made up of scholars and ministers who have been working in the Church and the academy for decades

  • We are committed to a historic, orthodox Protestant Christianity

  • Our aim is to resource God’s people through sound, biblically faithful teaching and training.

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Covering topics from classes to politics and student organization events.

  • Olympics 2024: Celebrating Dionysius at The Lord’s Table?
    by Anthony Costello on July 31, 2024 at 1:00 pm

    Editors Note: This is a guest post by Christian author and speaker Kaon Serjani. Immediately following the Opening Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics, there was global controversy among Christians who interpreted certain segments as a mockery of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Some organizers clarified that it was intended to depict Bacchanalia, an ancient

  • Paganism Book Review: Response to “Under The Ancient Oaks”
    by Anthony Costello on June 28, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    Recently, I posted about a new eBook I wrote on the return of Paganism in America (actually, in the West more broadly). That book can be found here for those interested in the topic. To my surprise one of my co-bloggers here at Patheos, John Beckett of “Under the Ancient Oaks,” graciously purchased a copy

  • My New eBook: “The Return of Paganism”
    by Anthony Costello on June 13, 2024 at 9:18 pm

    Roughly three and a half years ago I started writing for Patheos. Around that time, I was reading quite a few academic articles on Critical Race Theory. One of the articles I came across, which I highlighted in this two-part series, opened my eyes to something I had not expected, namely, that there was an

  • What is a Saint in Christianity?
    by Anthony Costello on May 30, 2024 at 6:30 pm

    In the last post I tried to answer the question of “What is Legalism?” within the context of the Christian life. In this post, I will address another common question about Christianity, namely, “What is a Christian saint?” As with the last post, I will draw from a theologian who few would regard as a

  • What is Legalism in Christianity?
    by Anthony Costello on May 23, 2024 at 1:00 pm

    The charge of “Legalism,” or of being legalistic, can often come quick and hard in Evangelical churches, sometimes in a fairly legalistic manner, as in: “oh, you’re just being legalistic!” Another favored synonym for the act of “being legalistic” is to call someone a Pharisee or accuse them of acting “pharisaical.” While there is such

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